All images copyright ©️ Graham Silva.


Round 03 - Johnny vs Mr. Miyagi

For Round 03 of our Cartoon-Tussles, we have: Johnny “Rattlin’ Bones” Lawrence vs the Mystical, Mr. Miyagi. Get ready for a legendary 80’s Back-Alley Brawl!


Round 02 - Johnny vs Daniel

Round 02 of our FanArt Fisticuffs, bring us a CLASSIC 80’s movie matchup! On the left, we have Cobra Kai’s hard-hitting hearthrob, Johnny “No Mercy” Lawrence vs New Jerseys own; the new kid, Daniel “the Bonsai Bomber” Larusso.


Round 01 - Wonka vs Wonka !

Round 01 in my ongoing series of Cartoon Clashes, we have a contest between two confectionary kings. The Classic vs Remake, Wilder vs Depp, WONKA vs WONKA. May the best Wonka win!